


Our Founder

Dennis Meador is a bit of an outlier. Starting his first company at 14 years old, he has been an entrepreneur for the majority of his life. In his early 20s he discovered what he really loved about being an entrepreneur was working with other businesess, and that ultimately led to years working with attorneys. He spent the next 20 years in that capacity helping attorneys grow their practices and advising them in other areas. About a year ago, the idea of The Legal Podcast Network came to him. The more this idea blossomed in his mind, the more excited he got about it. As he talked to attorneys, he consistently heard, “Do you guys do podcasts?” Once he fully formed everything in his head, he decided late 23 to launch what he had envisioned. One of the things Dennis sees as important for attorneys, especially those in smaller practices, is the establishment of authority. To get ahead they must not become another run-of-the-mill attorney with generic content and verbiage enables our attorneys to show people their expertise and how they can help them. This puts them in a better position to win the client that fits their ideal profile.


One thing we know about attorneys: they don’t want to do all kinds of tech work on programs they’ve never used and spend hours doing so. So, we created a system that gets you questions ahead of time and then every 1 to 3 months, we have a short session of 60 to 90 minutes. Once that’s finished, and we’ve done all of the production, you will have a high end, fully produced podcast of your own. It belongs completely to you, separates you from your competitors, establishes thorough authority, and cements your knowledge so that when someone in your marketplace is looking for someone like you to work with, your authority and expertise will be clear.


The last advantage for our attorneys with their podcast is that we are only working with exclusivity. For example, there will only be one divorce lawyer in Chicagoland; only one criminal attorney in Charleston, South Carolina, etc. So, we aren’t establishing you as the authority and then doing the same thing for your competitor. You have exclusivity; you are the only attorney in your legal niche, in your marketplace that we will be working with. And this is your podcast: you own the content, the recordings, the intellectual property – everything.

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