Legal Podcasting For Lawyers: Why It Matters

The thing is, people these days are consuming content on the go.

Whether you are on a subway, waiting to arrive at your destination, or taking your dog for a walk – podcasts are what we usually put on our phones.

Don’t trust us?

Well, according to Edison Research 2023, there are more than 200 million podcast listeners in the US ALONE!

Shocking, right? But it just goes to show how powerful this platform is in reaching audiences.

But wait, what about attorneys? Can legal podcasting for lawyers work effectively?

Short answer: Yes, absolutely.

Here are all the reasons why lawyers should consider podcasting.

1. Competitive Advantage

The legal market is super competitive. You want to set yourself apart but don’t know how. 

This is where legal podcasting services come into play. 

It gives you an edge in the market. 


Podcasts give you a platform to showcase your knowledge and expertise. What’s more, you can also show how much you care about educating your clients. These are the qualities that resonate with clients who look for a legal expert in the field. 

Do you know how else it is going to help? You will build trust with your listeners.

With informative episodes released consistently, you will turn into a guru in your field, and that too, in no time!

2. Establish Authority

One of the importance of legal podcasting for lawyers is the opportunity to establish authority. 

You have been seeing other attorneys taking the cases you should be working on. 

But, don’t know when your time will finally come? 

By embracing the power of podcasting, you can shine like a diamond and let the clients know that you have a complete command of the legal issues. You will be attracting clients who value your knowledge. So, it wouldn’t really be wrong to say that through podcasting, you will be building your own legal fan club. 

Needless to say, podcasting does offer several turnkey solutions that can be a game-changer for your practice.

3. Engage Your Target Audience

Here is the thing, in courtrooms, you have to use difficult jargon and terms that – honestly – are not comprehensible by normal people. This also doesn’t really engage your target audience. 

So, what to do now? 

Give a shot to podcasts and talk to your potential clients in a clear, concise, and engaging way. This can help build understanding – making you come to the top of their list when they need a lawyer. 

Think of podcasting as you explaining the law to your BFF over a cup of coffee, obviously, minus the caffeine jitters. 

4. Attract Clients Like a Magnet

Ever heard of “edutainment”? 

This is exactly what you will be doing with legal podcasting. While offering valuable insights and information on legal issues, you will also be positioning yourself as someone the listeners can trust. 

According to the stats, around 75% of podcast listeners listen to learn something new. 

But at the same time, none of them wants to get bored and switch to a new channel. 

You will be giving free advice but in a much cooler way. 

Sounds awesome, right? 

5. Marketing on a Budget

Compared to bougie lawyer ads, podcasting actually falls on a cost-effective end of the spectrum. You can create super engaging and high-quality content without emptying your pockets. 

What’s more, these podcasts are professionally edited to make sure there are no “ums” and “hmmm” in the background. 

And, let’s not forget the compelling and eye-catching thumbnails that are going to create visual appeal for your podcast and increase click-through rates.

6. Streamline Communication with Clients

The traditional lawyer-client communications are restricted to courtrooms or offices. But podcasting works as a bridge to foster an open and more informative communication style that doesn’t feel one-sided. 

The role of podcasts in lawyer-client communication is undeniable. 

It creates a conversational environment, where clients can access the podcasts anytime from anywhere and revisit them whenever they need to. 

Legal podcasting isn’t all about attracting potential clients but also fostering a more collaborative and informed lawyer-client relationship.

7. Become a Thought Leader

Want to become a thought leader within your community? Try your hands at a legal podcast. 

How will it work?

Well, you are going to showcase your knowledge and expertise. This way, you are going to get recognized for your skills, which may help you score career-boosting opportunities such as speaking at a panel, article contributions, and whatnot. 

Imagine you get to speak at a legal conference because of your killer podcast – that is some instant legal rockstar status! 

That is definitely one of the goals.


Legal podcasting for lawyers has been on the radar of so many attorneys these days. Its significance is truly undeniable. From empowering you to connect with your potential clients to educating them on different legal issues, you can leverage podcasting to amplify your reach, and establish yourself as an authority in the competitive legal landscape. 

You can call The Legal Podcast Network at (512) 254-2637 or shoot an email at  today to talk about your podcasting plans to take your legal practice to new heights.