
Why Work With Us

Turn-Key Solution

We handle everything from front to back to provide a simplified course of action for your future podcast. We just need a little bit of your time, anywhere from an hour every three months to an hour and a half every month depending on your participation level. All you need to do is talk. In the end, you’ve got the everything. The process is simple: Podcast initiated – Onboarding with pre-production – Week before the podcast, you receive a full show sheet with questions – Week of podcast, call 10 minutes early to make sure everything is set up right – Podcast recorded – Podcast finished and goes into post-production – We split the podcast up into three recordings (Intro, Outro, Snippets for social media, fix the sound with audio production, make it completely professional) – Backend where we discuss your marketing options if you would like.

Establish Authority

Are you an established attorney tired of seeing less experienced attorneys take the cases you know you should be working on? As a marketing company, we found the reason why many qualified attorneys don’t get cases over less experienced attorneys is very simply because of their market position or their marketing period. With a program like this, what we are doing is separate you from the myriad of other attorneys in your marketplace who compete directly against you. You can win two ways, outspend or out position yourself. At the end of the day, if people hire you because of your knowledge you’re able to charge the correct fees and attract much better clients. So overall this authoritative positioning establishes better clients, higher converting clients, and clients that are willing to pay what they are supposed to.

Choose your Frequency

We have packages tailored to your availability – If you understand the power of podcasting as it becomes the established highway of information in today’s day and age, but don’t have the time to learn how to do all that goes into these successful, professional looking podcasts, we have packages tailored to you. Some people, 90 minutes a month works for them, so they can have a weekly show. For some people, 1 hour every three months is ideal and produces a monthly show. Whatever your preference, we can help your practice with both.


Are you an established attorney tired of seeing less experienced attorneys take the cases you know you should be working on? As a marketing company, we found the reason why many qualified attorneys don’t get cases over less experienced attorneys is very simply because of their market position or their marketing period. With a program like this, what we are doing is separate you from the myriad of other attorneys in your marketplace who compete directly against you. You can win two ways, outspend or out position yourself. At the end of the day, if people hire you because of your knowledge you’re able to charge the correct fees and attract much better clients. So overall this authoritative positioning establishes better clients, higher converting clients, and clients that are willing to pay what they are supposed to.